Washington Square fund

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The Washington Square Fund supĀ­ports programs that encourage reĀ­sponsible sexual behavior [in young people]. The programs must be within and be of benefit to the residents of the five boroughs of New York City.

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On December 6, 1865, a number of gentlemen of New York City issued a circular describing a new undertaking, the object of which was "to save that large class of young girls who have been led astray." To that end, they rented a house at 22 West Houston Street and engaged staff, including "an experienced Superintendent and Matron," to "restore (the girls) to the paths of virtue and of happiness" and give them the skills to pursue an honest livelihood. Three weeks later, The Home in West Houston Street, the first refuge in the city for women in distress, was "inaugurated by suitable religious services."



If you have a proposal that fits within these guidelines, we would be interested in receiving it.

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